Have you heard about the Cool School of Life Long Learning? It really exists! And it was designed to let you relax. Because there is so much to learn, it takes more than an average human’s lifetime. So this means our life must be stuffed with learning experiences. And learning experiences take time. That’s why our world isn’t perfect. Because we all are experiencing. If there was a perfect world, there would be no experience. And without experience the will to say yes or no to a new creation is not possible. So we need experiences. We need an athmosfere that allows learning mistakes. And because we all have a different understanding of everything, we need to give eachother room for misinterpretations. Allow others than ourselves to make the same kind of learning mistakes we make. And don’t forget, anybody can try to explain something to anybody else, but will never be able to understand it for another! You have to do that all by yourselves. That is your learning path. And that is why we should take it all a bit more relaxed. Allow ourselves time to learn. Have a good and relaxed learning journey! Picture originals here and here.

Comments on: "Relax! Take Your Time To Learn" (3)

  1. This reminds me of something I picked up the other day in the office. Someone said to me that people are very bad at multitasking. In fact, multitasking inhibits creativity. Supposedly, we are most creative and most open to new ideas when being completely idle.
    It also reminds me of slow IT: http://www.tolido.com/slow-it/
    Yes, we should relax indeed


  2. Louis Dietvorst said:

    Mark, you inspired me! Slow IT, worth a blog somewhere this week!


  3. […] blog is inspired by the term ‘Slow IT” from a collegue who blogs here. The term Slow IT reminded me of […]


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