Depending on where you put your focus, you could say humanity’s progress has been enormous and that is actually true. But you can also look at progress we still didn’t make.  That’s what this blog is about. So while we honour the progress made sofar, we tend to put focus on what’s still needed. So let’s face it, humanity is in a dire situation. You can read the disturbing facts all over: economical crises, ecological crises, climate crises, social collapses etc. Not really things to be proud of. So that’s why I made a sjort resume of humanity. To be used when the aliens arrive from their intergalactic inspiration tour and asking us what our capabilities are. The resume gives the answers of the state-of-the-art of humanity’s progress. Now let’s all work towards a resume that has improved the state-of-the-art at least hunderd-fould, because that is what we really need to be emarking on. And if we achieve that, we can be proud to show off our progress to the aliens, which ofcourse must be very jealous on our progress.


Resume version 1 shown below. Let’s all build version 2 asap! Good progress hunting!


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