Archive for May, 2013

Want To Heal The World? Fear Is Not An Option!

humanity-vs-natureWe need to heal the world. And it’s not a big thing. It’s only a bit fear that is in our way (“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival” ~ Steve Maraboli). Humanity is awakening more and more, partly induced by the many crises we have created collectively. In this awakening process, enlightenment plays a pivotal role. But it comes at a certain cost. As Adyashanti explains: “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”  And Carl Gustav Jung also knew it already a long time ago: “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”  So this means that healing the world is very much possible but it requires some creative adaptation, a new mindset maybe.  heal-the-world-2We were taught to “face reality” before we understood that we were creating it. Feeling you are a victim is an illusion. Because everyone is a creator. Here are some tips from Robin Sharma for becoming a person that is really willing to heal the world.

The Rules for Being Amazing
1.    Risk more than is required.
2.    Learn more than is normal.
3.    Be strong.
4.    Show courage.
5.    Breathe.
6.    Excel.
7.    Love.
8.    Lead.
9.    Speak your truth.
10.  Live your values.
11.  Laugh.
12.  Cry.
13.  Innovate.
14.  Simplify.
15.  Adore mastery.
16.  Release mediocrity.
17.  Aim for genius.
18.  Stay humble.
19.  Be kinder than expected.
20.  Deliver more than is needed.
21.  Exude passion.
22.  Shatter your limits.
23.  Transcend your fears.
24.  Inspire others by your bigness.
25.  Dream big but start small.
26.  Act now.
27.  Don’t stop.
28.  Change the world.

– Robin Sharma

What You Don’t Know Counts, You Can Count On That…

dont-knowUmberto Eco’s statement “Was zählt, ist was ich nicht gelesen habe…” is a good representation of the vast amount of knowledge humanity already has available collectively. But can we even comprehend how much knowledge there is collectively? If you take a look at the circle figure, it gives a (not fit to exact scale) image of knowledge distribution. If we would be able to count all the existing knowledge and map that onto what a single human can comprehend in his/her own brain (the “What you know”  segment in the circle), then the segment would be probably invisible in this picture. The same is probably valid for the segment “What You Know You Don’t Know”. Which leaves almost the full circle for the “What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know”. So in the end, you don’t know anything significant. So you have to realize that you will probably never make it through the whole circle, it’s just too much. So you have to rely on others. You have to rely very much on others. And be prepared to accept that others have knowledge you don’t have. And that ‘external’ knowledge might be very valuable, so you have to consider linking it to you own knowledge. This all starts by trust. The more you trust another’s knowledge and the better you and the other are able to link your mutual knowledge, the more you’re knowledge together can grow and add value. Create something more beautiful together than if it was based on your sole knowledge.dont-know-2 So stop trying to control others by knowledge you yourself don’t have, start trusting others to fill in part of the puzzle. Make knowledge work together.

Extreme Ecological Scenario’s: Should I Walk My Shark Or Fly My Dolphin?


Breaking The Hierarchy Of Needs: Maslow Going Social

maslov-going-socialFor those of us who believe anything can and should be organized in layers, stacks, domains, groups, categories, hierarchies, taxonomies, (black)boxes or any other ‘labeling’ constructs, Maslow’s hierarchy is of course a splendid reference framework. You can kid yourself into thinking that you need to have to fulfill the basic needs of feed and water first (the lower layer) before you can for fulfill the needs to (for example) be creative (the upper layer). Of course this is pure nonsense. Your needs can be fulfilled without putting them in a hierarchy first. What if we consider adding Social Media viewpoints to Maslow’s hierarchy? Would it mean that to have the needs of  maslov-going-social-2safety fulfilled you need to be on LinkedIn? Or thus it mean that LinkedIn helps in fulfilling the needs of ‘security of employment’ only? If that is the case, then maybe we would also need Social Networks for fulfilling the needs of ‘security of body’, ‘security of resources’, ‘security of the family’, ‘security of health’ and ‘security of property’. That is, if you take the figure in the top left as a reference model. And to support those Social Networks, what Social Media would be helpful there? Anyway, hatever viewpoint you find attractive, it looks like there is still a lot of development to do in these areas, both in terms of rethinking of ‘hierarchies’ and in terms of rethinking of the added value of social networks and the social media that support them.

To Be-You-Tiful Is Beautiful

beautiful-1Demi Lovato has a good point. Her quotes:  “The mirror can lie. Doesn’t show you what’s inside. And it, it can tell you you’re full of life. It’s amzing what you can hide just by putting on a smile.” can get you thinking about how the outside can trick you. If you look into the mirror, you will never see the beauty you have inside. But once you dive a bit deeper, you will start to see and recognize the beauty that is inside. It’s inside every human begin. In fact, inside every living being. Beauty. It’s there. So the next time you look in the mirror, and it lies to you again, take some time and think about your true inside. Think about the beauty you possess inside. Because you are beautiful. And by accepting for yourself that you are beautiful, you will have a stronger feeling to not try to live up to the external imposed, illusionary standards of someone else’s ‘reference’ beauty. You will truly start to discover your beautiful self. And you will see that to be-you-tiful can be very beautiful. Beautiful, isn’t it? beautiful-2

Let’s Check The Evolutionary Checklist

booked-2We humans have come a long way. We finally have arrived at a crossing point in our history where we are able to communicate to each other using a variety of channels. The vast knowledge we have gathered together in books and other media is now starting to become available to an increasingly larger community. This is not in the last place thanks to the possibilities of Internet. So we are starting to finally understand what we probably have always intuitively understood al these thousands and thousands of years that lie before is. We are now entering the stage where knowledge becomes abundantly available. There will be less and less secrets to keep for each other.  Privacy might become the next illusion. Because of this global consciousness we are achieving, we are also increasingly seeing the parts in our world that need extra care. And due to this oversight, we are better able to organize this care for each other. So you might say, we are slowly but surely preparing humanity for spiritual evolution. So that we can enlighten and help each other as it was mentioned from the beginning. So if we check the evolutionary checklist, we are now ticking the last box. On our road towards a new Golden Age. If we all want to, it can be achieved. All building blocks are in place.evolution-4.png

We Need More Global Consciousness To Handle The Inconveniences Of Imagination

imagination-1When Einstein was developing his theories, he discovered the power of imagination. Quotes like “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”, “Imagination is more important than knowledge” and “Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere” are proof of that discovery. But there is a big downside to imagination. People that can imagine a great new world are often frightening the incumbents. That’s because they will have fear to change. They know what they have. And even if that’s not perfect, it’s stable. So they don’t want to have the inconveniences of change. And they sustain the world in it’s current state.

But if we really want changes (for example getting usout of the crises we all created with our incumbent strategies), we need to allow for some inconveniences. We need to un-learn and re-learn. We need the power of imagination because it can help us. And we don’t need to worry about it.  Things will turn out fine if we change. Fear is not an option. Especially if we are willing to open our minds to the possibilities that may be hiding behind the inconveniences of imagination.  imagination-2

Interparticle Space For Rent

space-3The following anonymous text inspired me to think more about the space in space. “Before you judge others or claim any absolute truth, consider that you can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. As you read this, you are traveling at 220 kilometres per second across the galaxy. 90% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not “you”. The atoms in your body are 99.9999999999999999% empty space and none of them are the ones you were born with, but they all originated in the belly of a star. Human beings have 46 chromosomes, 2 less than the common potato. The existence of the rainbow depends on the conical photoreceptors in your eyes; to animals without cones, the rainbow does not exist. So you don’t just look at a rainbow, you create it. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that all the beautiful colours you see represent less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.”

This is quite amazing isn’t it? The idea that if you could see particles spinning in solid matter as well as in human beings or in fact all living beings, you would see that they spin inside a huge amount of space between them. So we are space beings. We have lots of room for improvement, given the empty spaces between our particles. Let’s fill this space with some positive energy. Energy that represents good, positive things like care, love, service to others, joy, happiness etc. There is room for it, so let’s claim it. space-2

As Energy Matters More, Matter Matters Less

emitriangleFigure found here. Albert Einstein knew: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” And Wes Nisker knew when he said: “The fact of the matter is that matter is no longer a fact”. Or what about Max Planck: “There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

So Energy is really what we should be knowing all about. Matter matters less. Energy matters more. Everything is Energy. Even a solid rock. The atoms inside are still vibrating, keeping the rock together. A book you read is Energy. The letters themselves consist of atoms vibrating in a form that we have learned to recognize. This blog you are reading is Energy. The letters on your screen are vibrating in frequencies belonging to the English language. If the text was translated, the letters would vibrate in another frequency. Our thoughts and feelings are Energy. So everything is Energy. And it is with this Energy that we create our world. Nothing more, nothing less. If you think about it deeply, it’s in fact very simple. Energy creates. And since thoughts are Energy, thoughts create. And if you amplify the frequency of your Energy, the structure of matter will also change. In fact, everything in life is vibration (Einstein) 

You don’t yet believe all of this? It doesn’t Matter. Because as a Matter of fact, Matter doesn’t really exist. But Energy does.matter

Energizing The Organization Or Organizing The Energy?

energizingIf you want to create a synergistic effect, there are at least two ways. You can form an organization and then by polarizing (energizing) it you assume it will automagically start creating synergy. This is because you know that bringing in polarisation will trigger the competitive process between ‘nodes’, which must be separated to allow for the competition. And triggered by this competition, you assume synergy will automatically emerge. You might be right.

On the other hand you could decide not to form a polarized organization but organize the neutral, non polarised energy you are willing to bring in, in such a way that it can flow freely between the ‘nodes’. Competition is not relevant in this variant because  the freely flowing energy itself is already a stimulus for creativity. From this creativity you assume that synergy will emerge later.  You might be right again. Especially if you look at organizing from an attention point of view instead of a competition point of view and honor the quotes of Heinz Pagels: “The visible world is the invisible organization of Energy” and  Neil deGrasse Tyson:  “We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically.”   Good luck finding your energizing algorithm!energy