Archive for October, 2019




I have no goals, I prefer to Coddiwomple



Discernment: Just another 3D illusion?


If you are now reading this message, it was most probably meant for you. I am not looking for attention or approval, just want to share my own experiences when learning about this subject.

To discern is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well. When you are practicing spiritual development it might be very well possible that you encounter spiritual lessons helping you to discern 3rd from 5th dimension.

In 3rd dimension, it is said that we live in a world of duality. Allmost all conceivable concepts are divided so we can experience them, which could be the higher spiritual purpose for our being here on this planet.

We tend to discern between concepts like true |false, good | evil, love | hate and even organize our society intot divide-and-conquer style concepts like government | civilians just to name a few.

In our 3D world, we even have invented concepts like 3D and 5D so that we can discern between them. Is this then a 5D perception or it it just a 3D perception? And is discerning as technique itself not just a plain old divide-and-conquer thing? So we can come to know what’s true and what’s not?

Or is there in ‘real 5D’ no difference anymore between what’s true and what’s not, because if we can discern between true and not true, our ego is just playing tricks with us telling us to create a duality.