Archive for December, 2013

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 17,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

If I Could Make A Wish…

wishFrom my spaceship I look at our beautiful harbour Gaia. I see her getting smaller and smaller and yet at the same time the gut feeling overwhelms me that we are treating her very bad because of our never-ending quest for over production and over consumption. But I also see some beautiful light coming in from space, on its way to help us. This light tells us that we are now ready to enter a new era. A new Golden Age, or maybe even a new Golden Millennium. Where governing based on scarcity is no longer the magical means for renewal based on growth, but governing based on abundance will lead us to renewal based on sustainability. My wish is that the credo “there are enough good goods for everyone, if everyone is prepared to accept that enough good goods are good enough” will come true.

The Beauty of Decomposition

road-insideWe humans tend to create new stuff more or less in an incremental way. We tend to create and then build things, analyze what we have built and compensate the flaws mainly on the exterior. Polishing here and there a little, small non-scary stuff. Often because we are scared to admit we made a judgement error when we designed something. These types of fears tend to keep us back from a more radical renewal (recreation). So to really re-create asks for more courage and true leadership. You sometimes need to decompose what you have created earlier, in order to recreate it into a new, better suiting style, more fit-for-purpose. When Marylin Monroe† still lived she once said: “sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together”. She was so right! Sometimes we deliberately need to let ‘good’ things fall apart so we can recreate better things. Then the trick is, to show respect for the ‘good’ things, agree with the ones involved that there is a better way do things and go for it together. So decomposition need not be scary at all, if we do it with the idea of a better win-win for all in mind, we can even enjoy the tearing apart of the old and the recreation of the new. Good luck with your quest for finding out your own beauties of decomposition and recreation!

The Beauty of Wei-Wu-Wei

wei-wu-weiIn our busy day-to-day lives we are accustomed to act. We like acting. If there is action, there is Energy. We like Energy. It stimulates our adrenaline. We cannot get enough of it. So far so good. But this never-ending quest for action, being ‘Busy’ as much as possible and getting adrenaline from the Energy it gives has also some detrimental side effects. It plays a part in sustaining the useless rat races. It plays a part in doing more than we can realistically handle. It plays a part in stimulating the never-ending quest for growth. It plays a part in not willing to accept the current situation. It plays a part in many other things. But there is light at the end of the tunnel! In Taoism already 300 years before Christ there was documented some kind of way out of this action-oriented handling. It was called Wei-Wu-Wei. It is a kind of art in itself. Using it’s tenet, it can help you thinking about what to do when a situation calls for a derived action (for example transforming an idea directly into action). Consciously using Wei-Wu-Wei principle it can help you stepping back and deliberately doing nothing. It requires being more consciousness of the situation and the willingness to slow-down at unanticipated moments. It might also require sometimes the willingness to accept that plans are only plans and need not be followed all the time. Or the willingness to accept that goals are ok but not ‘holy’ because the context had changed. Or the willingness to accept that taking time and just enjoying the here and now is sometimes better than relentlessly driving each other nuts in useless self-sustaining action loops. So the beauty of Wei-Wu-Wei is to consciously and situationally take a step back, relax and just enjoy in doing nothing because the indirect effect is better. Or slow down and rethink if the action you originally were planning to do was such a good idea. Good luck in your personal quest for finding out how to use the Wei-Wu-Wei principle.wu_wei